
Monday, December 26, 2011

Green Tea: Could This Be The Best Benefit Yet?

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Many health breakthroughs involve green tea. This is one of them. A new piece of health news focuses on obesity, showing that mice on green tea were able to keep pounds off more easily in spite of a high-fat diet.

Green tea belongs both in the healing foods and the natural supplements categories. The new study is further proof. In it, obese mice that were fed a compound found in green tea along with a high-fat diet gained weight far more slowly than mice not receiving the green tea supplement.

The two groups of mice were fed a high-fat diet. Mice fed epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a compound found in most green teas, gained weight 45% more slowly than the control group of mice eating the same diet without EGCG. Gaining weight more slowly allows you more time to burn it off.

On top of lowering weight gain, the mice fed the green tea supplement showed a nearly 30% increase in “fecal lipids,” which means EGCG may be limiting the absorption of fat from food.

The green tea did not appear to suppress appetite. Both groups of mice were fed the same amount of high-fat food and could eat at any time. The researchers equated it to both groups consuming a milkshake, but one group has mixed green tea in theirs.

In the study, the level of EGCG used is the equivalent of 10 cups of green tea. However, you should note that supplements are easy to find these days. Past studies have, however, shown that a few cups of green tea a day could control weight. It appears that the ancient beverage does have effects on body composition.

Adding green tea to one’s diet is a positive idea on many fronts. It has been linked to health promotion in a variety of areas, including possible cancer prevention. It is considered one of the oldest, and most healthful, beverages in the world.

If you are looking to shed pounds, you must exercise regularly and maintain a nutritious diet on top of taking supplements or drinking green tea.

Tags: diet, Health News, healthy foods


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