
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bigger Triceps In Three Weeks - The Twisted Triceps Workout

Build Bigger Triceps here:

As many of you may know, the majority of muscle in the arm comes from the triceps. While the biceps is one of the showier muscles in the body, it's the triceps that fill up the T-shirt and make the professional athlete's arms pop out of their uniforms. Now, and celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere will show you a short circuit workout that you can do to get "bigger triceps" in just three weeks.

The triceps are one of the main pushing muscles in your upper body. They help to support the chest muscles and shoulder / delt muscles to do their job. When the triceps are strong, all of your other lifts in the gym become easier. Also, when the triceps are big...people take notice as they see your "guns" filling up your sleeves.

My top professional athletes and celebrities know what I mean when I say the "Twisted Triceps" workout is coming. It means, sore triceps the next day! It also means bigger arms guaranteed. Start doing exactly what my guys are doing today by using this very same workout. Get bigger triceps in just three weeks!

Then, head over to pick up your copy of the AthLEAN-X Training System to get the same body as the professional athletes, without having to look like one!

View the original article here

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