
Thursday, January 5, 2012

★★★Winter Weight Loss Challenge 2011★★★

Things to remember:

My new Workout DVD, "Beautiful Fitness" will be available for purchase Tuesday November 8th at (!!!

Post on this video if you are supporting this challenge!

Remember! ALL people can participate, however, the 5 winners will be those who follow the instructions in the FREE e-booklet which will be available Monday 11-7 at midnight here (!!!

PLEASE share, rate, comment and re-post this video.

Tweet the following on Twitter: I WILL survive the @ButflBrwnBbyDol Weight Loss Challenge 2011. Will You?

On 11-9-2011 you will post your starting stats to my forum! PLEASE WAIT UNTIL 11-9 AS A NEW FORUM WILL APPEAR! You may provide links to a video and links to your "start pictures" there!

The actual date the FREE e-book will post is Monday Nov. 7th at 11:59pm! That is when the challenge OFFICIALLY STARTS!!!

Once you get the book PLEASE follow all instructions which will be simple and plain!

There will be 5 winners of this challenge!

What to purchase or gather for now:
-Free Weights: 3 pound for starters and 5, 7 & 10 for those who are more advanced.
-Workout DVDs: Since week one is a dead week, you will have time to hit your neighborhood store for some of the items I mention, and even order some more advanced workouts for phase 2! Don't worry! Those of you who are in the gym, Ill have some exercise recommendations! You may also choose to order my video starting Monday at midnight! (
-Yoga mat-This will help with basic exercises I review!
-Composition/Notebook-This will be used for journaling your mental, physical and emotional changes weekly! You will be required to post one of these entries to my forum (launching 11-9-11) at LEAST once a week to win!

My new series, "Fat Chick Gone Fit" is where I will review some beginning and more advanced exercise moves for you to try!!!

Get you own T-Shirt Here:
Check out here YouTube Channel Here:

Huffington Post Top 5 Natural Hair Vloggers:




Music for Today:
"Winner" and "This Love"

Both songs are by the talented Theresa Payne. Please check her out and support her here:

Channel Designed by Tiffany:


View the original article here

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